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Installation and connection of a large heavy chandeliers


Updated: Jun 22, 2023

The lift for this chandelier is not visible from the outside at all
The lift for this chandelier was mounted in the attic - it is not visible from the outside at all

The practice of lifting device for fixtures

Install a chandelier weighing 700 kg and raise the chandelier to the ceiling with a height of 45 m - a difficult task! It occurs every time with the arrangement of a big house, the auditorium of the theater, the hotel's hall, the installation of chandelier in the church. And often people, facing it, do not understand how it is better to solve it. The most obvious seems to put the scaffolding or a mobile tower and a tier for a tier to start collecting chandelier. But, at the beginning you need to roll the cable or rope through the hook in the ceiling so that the chandelier can be gradually raised. And here - a dead end, because the ceiling is too high, or the chandelier must be above the staircase, or the hook is under the sharp corner of the roof arch - not to get it. Many of our customers are faced with similar challenges and decided to approach the innovatively, using the latest technological advances and installed a lift for chandeliers, and some even a few.

a man stands in the auditorium under a large chandelier
The light lift by PAYTEX in Nosovka city center was installed in the room above the hall. Now you can lower the chandelier for technical inspection at any time

Large chandelier in the auditorium of the Palace of the Culture of Nosovka

A typical story for the halls of many theaters: daily concerts, performances, rehearsals in the hall, to the floor are attached rows of chairs. For a long time it was not possible to change the light bulbs burned out, broken lampshades, clean or wash lamp, replace the wiring. To solve the problem of servicing the chandelier, only the installation of an lighting lifter for lowering and raising chandeliers at the required time without attracting repairmen and construction of scaffolding is possible. Our company suggested a mechanical drive lift for this project. The lift was fixed on a specially designed and manufactured structure mounted in an attic room. It was not necessary to remove the chandelier: it was lowered down and after the end of the work is transferred to the stationary cable of the light lift and raised to the previous place under the ceiling. Installation works were carried out for 1 day. For the Palace of Culture with a rich daily program that was very important.

workers mount a chandelier lift to the ceiling
The lift for the chandelier was mounted before connecting the lighting

2 light lifts for chandeliers with electrical drive in a bunk apartment in Kiev

Large decorative chandeliers should be located on the top tier ceiling. Height from floor to ceiling is 7 meters. In the lower tier in this zone will be installed furniture. For mounting the lifts in the required place, it was necessary to dismantle and transfer the part of the air pipe of the splitsystem, which was successfully done. Electric light lifts for chandeliers were installed at the stage of repair work in the apartment, before finishing. Now, by clicking the button on the remote control, you can lower the cable holder before it is necessary. Customers will be able to easily install and connect chandeliers without removing scaffolding without resorting to assistance. At the required time, they can be lowered, clean from dust or replace the burnt-out light bulbs. It will be able to do any person by pressing the button on the control panel: just without effort.

The chandelier lift is designed to make a person's life easier, more comfortable and save unnecessary costs. And he completely copes with it! We are ready to provide and install a lift if you need one. Get in touch!

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